Yesterday I cooked dinner using a dutch oven for the first time ever. Holy Moly that think is a beast! I had to use a fork lift to get it to the stove-top, but man it was worth it. At my age I should not be so surprised by a regular household item such as a dutch oven, but this is me we are talking about. You should see my reaction to things like electric can openers. I go absolutely insane. Anywhooo… I made a simple dish of pasta and chicken with marinara sauce, and the family loved it. I added way too much chicken so it took three times longer to make than it should have, and now I have enough to eat nothing but chicken and pasta for two weeks. I will freeze it and chip away at it this winter. It was kinda fun though and I want to see what else I can make with it. Much easier than trying to haul it back to the cabinet where it has been for two years waiting to get used. What does that thing weigh? 40 pounds???

Magical Cool Cat Mysteries Volumes 8-10
by Mary Matthews
Genre: Mystery

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Magical cats pounce on clues as intoxicating as catnip and help romantic 1920s detectives solve mysteries..
Praise for Magical Cool Cats Mysteries: “FUN! Step back into the days when you needed a password to get that drink, veterans had come home from the Great War, and the electric double decker trolley was the Bee’s Knees of public transportation. Travel along with a well polished debutante, a rough hewn veteran pilot, and the deaf Persian cat, who is actually the brains of this detective agency, as the humans try to keep up! ”

Magical Cool Cat Mysteries Volumes 8-10 includes 3 fun stories:

Kitty’s Getting Hissy
Make It Cattier
Cat Bakery Makes Biscuits

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The Old Balmain House
by Graham Wilson
4.1 Stars (415 Reviews)
Genre: Historical Fiction | World Literature

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8 year old Sophie vanished – where did she go? For 100 years nobody knows.

Who was Sophie and what happened to her? On buying an old weatherboard house in Balmain, Sydney, we discover her photo, dated 1900-1908. It has been hidden, along with a small perfume bottle in an old fireplace for a century.

We find out Sophie disappeared with a childhood friend in 1908 and was never seem again, leaving a trail of sadness through generations of her family.

This book tracks the journey of the discovery of Sophie and her family, from their first arrival in Sydney, over five generations of the family, until the mystery is finally laid to rest.

It is a story of loss and grief, mixed with joy, which passes through the successive generations of a family. How the family deals with an unresolved tragedy and finally the way their love transcends time is the story from which the real Sophie emerges.

Set around beautiful Sydney Harbor this is a story of people and place, starting in early Australia and running through to the present day.

Graham Wilson, the author, lived in the house in Balmain on which this story is based for seven years. This is his first novel.

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The Crimson Corset (The Vampires of Crimson Cove Book 1)
by Alistair Cross
4.5 Stars (113 Reviews)
Genre: Suspense | Horror | Romance

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Welcome to Crimson Cove

Sheltered by ancient redwoods overlooking the California coast, the cozy village of Crimson Cove has it all: sophisticated retreats, fine dining, and a notorious nightclub, The Crimson Corset. It seems like a perfect place to relax and get close to nature. But not everything in Crimson Cove is natural. When Cade Colter moves to town, he expects it to be peaceful to the point of boredom. But he quickly learns that after the sun sets and the fog rolls in, the little tourist town takes on a whole new kind of life – and death.

Darkness at the Edge of Town Renowned for its wild parties and history of debauchery, The Crimson Corset looms on the edge of town, inviting patrons to sate their most depraved desires and slake their darkest thirsts. Proprietor Gretchen VanTreese has waited centuries to annihilate the Old World vampires on the other side of town and create a new race – a race that she alone will rule. When she realizes Cade Colter has the key that will unlock her plan, she begins laying an elaborate trap that will put everyone around him in mortal danger.

Blood Wars The streets are running red with blood, and as violence and murder ravage the night, Cade must face the darkest forces inside himself, and perhaps even abandon his own humanity, in order to protect what he loves.

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Wounded Animals (Whistleblower Trilogy Book 1)
by Jim Heskett
3.9 Stars (1,119 Reviews)
Genre: Crime Fiction | Action & Adventure | Thrillers

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They kidnapped his wife and left a corpse in his bathroom. Can a corporate grunt battle a vast conspiracy?

Soon-to-be father Tucker Candle is headed for unemployment. Desperate to provide for his family and salvage his job, he leaves town for one last business trip.

But when he returns home, he finds his pregnant wife gone and his coworker’s blood covering the walls.

Horrified, Candle discovers a cryptic warning in a note left atop the corpse. He sets out to rescue his missing wife, despite finding danger around every corner and a rising body count.

Can this normal guy become a hero and bring his baby’s mother home?

Wounded Animals is the first book in the explosive Whistleblower Trilogy thriller series. If you like intense action, jaw-dropping surprises, and David vs. Goliath stories, you’ll love Jim Heskett’s twisted tale.

Buy Wounded Animals to begin the hunt today!

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Return to You (Whisper Lake Book 1)
by Melanie Shawn
4.4 Stars (2,809 Reviews)
Genre: Romance

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As legal guardian of her nephews for a year and a half now, you’d think Allison would have this kid-raising thing figured out. Nope. She’s yet to gain access to the secret internal lie detector other parents seem to have, and is still losing the battle against the mysterious teen boy odors marinating in their room. Did she mention they’re twins? As in double the trouble (thank goodness for forgiving town sheriff). Really, she’s just out of her depth here.

To be fair though, this wasn’t meant to be a solo mission. Nooo. She was supposed to have had a co-pilot to help out from day one. Kade McKnight, real life action hero hunk extraordinaire, would’ve been the perfect male authority figure for the boys… had he not vanished off the face of the planet.

Well, it appears his holy-hotness has returneth. And now that Kade’s on her doorstep here to stay, Ali isn’t sure whether to hug him or slug him.

She’s leaning toward both…
After a year and a half away from the beautiful honey-colored eyes he’d always loved having stare up at him, Kade finds himself smiling for the first time in months. Sweet Allison Walsh. Still a sight for sore eyes.

Leaving town the way he did had been for the best then, truly. Having survived a childhood he wouldn’t wish on his meanest MMA opponent, there’s no way he could’ve been a good co-legal guardian. So, he’d set up financial support to help Ali the only way he could while he got his life in order. But, judging by her spitting mad glare, clearly, that had been far from enough.

Guess his road to redemption is going to be a tough one. Good. He deserves it. And Ali deserves to be the one to dish out his penance. That said, the very last thing Kade expects now that he’s back to help with the co-parenting load is for Ali to start dating again. As in other men–men that aren’t him.

Nope, not happening. Not on his watch…

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by Kurt James
4.5 Stars (10 Reviews)
Genre: Action & Adventure | Westerns

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All Trent Laneetee also known as The Crow wanted to do was support his family. Once the state of Colorado went dry during prohibition, the most profitable way to do that was to make and sell his own whiskey. Laneetee moonshine became almost legendary in all the surrounding mountain towns and encampments around Trent’s home in Gilpin County. The Laneetee whiskey stills and operation were making his family more money than he could have ever dreamed of. As Trent’s growing legendary status and operation got larger and moved into other counties, his business drew the attention of the Denver Mafia. They gave Laneetee an ultimatum of sharing his business and profits with the Denver Mafia or going to war with them. What the gangsters from Denver did not know – was you did not threaten Trent Laneetee.

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