Oh my poor sweet Jackie. She still looks horrible. It is taking her forever to grow back all her feathers. I can see them coming in and her skin looks good and healthy, but she looks like she is running around with her hair in curlers and I am getting very impatient. Yesterday was a little warmer than it has been for a few days, so I let them out to enjoy the grass. They all ran out and happily clucked around for an hour, but as soon as that sun disappeared behind the clouds, Jackie lead them all right back into the coop. I seriously want to put her in my lap and just release her feathers from all those little tubes they are in, but I am sure that’s just not they way its done and I need to wait. She will look marvelous with a completely new set of feathers.

Healing Ruby: A Novel
Jennifer H. Westall
4.8 Stars (73 Reviews)
Genre: Religion & Spirituality | Women’s Fiction | Religious & Inspirational Fiction | Historical Fiction

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“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen… ”

Ruby Graves, a young girl in Depression-era Alabama, faces the hardships of poverty and loss with as much faith as she can muster. At only thirteen she’s already lost a younger brother, and now faces losing both her father and the boy who’s stealing her heart as well. Armed with her beloved Scriptures, she prays daily for their healing, only to have her tender faith shattered. Through her pain, she’s able to connect with her long-lost Uncle Asa, whose mere presence at his brother’s funeral brings murmurs of a scandalous past involving her parents and a prominent local pastor. When Ruby discovers that one of Asa’s many secrets is an ability to heal, and that she may be next in line for the “gift,” she vows to find the faith that has eluded her so far–a faith that could mean never losing loved ones again. But according to her father, faith and doubt can’t reside in the same heart, and doubt is Ruby’s constant companion. As she struggles to find the true meaning of faith, she’s opposed at every turn by the pastor who would see her family destroyed and a community that can’t see deeper than the color of one’s skin. Through her search for a faith that could move mountains and a true understanding of her gift, can Ruby trust in a God that may require the ultimate sacrifice?

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The Trouble With Goodbye (Fairhope Series Book 1)
Sarra Cannon
4.4 Stars (296 Reviews)
Genre: Women’s Fiction | Romance | Contemporary Fiction

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Two years ago, Leigh Anne Davis shocked everyone in tiny Fairhope, Georgia when she broke up with her wealthy boyfriend to attend an Ivy League university a thousand miles away. At school, she finds a happiness and independence she’s never known. Until one terrifying night takes it all away from her. With no place else to go, Leigh Anne heads home to reclaim her old life. A life she worked so hard to escape. On the outside, she seems like the same girl everyone has always known. But deep inside, she’s hiding a terrible secret. That’s when she meets Knox Warner, a troubled newcomer to Fairhope. His eyes have the same haunted look she sees every day in the mirror, and when she’s near him, the rest of the world fades away. But being with Knox would mean disappointing everyone all over again. If she wants to save what’s left of her old life, she has no choice but to say goodbye to him forever. Only, the trouble with goodbye is that sometimes it’s about courage and sometimes it’s about fear. And sometimes you’re too broken to know the difference until it’s too late.

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First World Problems: 101 Reasons Why The Terrorists Hate Us
Ben Nesvig
4.1 Stars (176 Reviews)
Genre: Humor & Entertainment

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You are reading this on a screen. You have First World Problems. First World Problems: 101 Reasons Why The Terrorists Hate Us is a collection of short humorous essays and rants from a man who knows suffering. It is comedy that borders on tragedy. What are First World Problems? A First World Problem is a trivial issue that afflicts people in wealthier nations declared to be in the “First World.” Third World Problem: “I have to walk three miles to draw water from a dirty well or else I’ll die of dehydration.” First World Problem: “We have nothing to drink in the fridge except filtered tap water.” Do you have nothing to drink except a limitless supply of tap water? Have you ever bought so much food at the grocery store that it molded before you could eat it? Did you buy an iPhone one week before the new model was announced? You’re suffering from First World Problems. What follows is the graphic account of what it’s like to live in the First World. Tales of unreasonably cold air conditioning, eating to the point of exhaustion, and being unable to enjoy Summer weather due to gainful employment in a bad economy. There is nothing funny about my problems except that they are hilarious. Read the book for less than the price of something trivial, like a Mocha, that is slightly more expensive. I don’t personally care for that analogy, but smart people wearing suits and ties who say things like “syndicate interactive paradigms” and “synergize dynamic markets” told me it would work.

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Whitechapel: The Final Stand of Sherlock Holmes
Bernard Schaffer
3.9 Stars (89 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery

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The Whitechapel Ripper Must be Stopped A madman on the loose, driven by dark urges and uncontrollable violence. A hero, lost in the grip of addiction. The greatest and most desperate criminal investigation in history. Who will save us from Jack the Ripper? The most terrifying, explicit, and realistic Sherlock Holmes story ever told. Whitechapel: The Final Stand of Sherlock Holmes provides readers a rare look at the lives of the victims, the monster known as Jack the Ripper, and the characters of Arthur Conan Doyle’s beloved stories. All are presented in a fresh and entirely new way. A entirely new realistic way. Readers familiar with the Holmes stories will be shocked (and in some cases upset) with these new characterizations, but take heed as Gerard Lestrade transforms from doddering simpleton into an actual living and breathing detective assigned to the worst slum imaginable. They will be captivated by the reality of Holmes’ addiction to cocaine and morphine. They will find themselves walking the cobblestone streets of Whitechapel, wondering if Bloody Jack’s blade might be aimed at their throats next.

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Stinky Santa – A Very Smelly Christmas Ebook for Kids
Otto Fishblanket
4 Stars (88 Reviews)
Genre: Children’s eBooks

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Jingle bells, Santa smells – he smells of mouldy cheese. He doesn’t wear any trousers so you can see his knees. A new work by renowned poet and part-time aeronautical escapologist, Otto Fishblanket, Stinky Santa is a book about a smelly Santa. It is illustrated by celebrity childen’s book illustrator, Gerald Hawksley. If you are searching for a Christmas ebook, particularly a Christmas ebook that rhymes and has pictures, and is about a smelly Santa, then you have come to the right place. (Any similarity to any real Santa is purely coincidental)

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