I ran into an old friend the other day at the grocery store. The first thing I did when I saw them was suck in my stomach. I held it like that the whole time I was talking with them. I looked awesome. It made all the difference in the world. Ya…it did.

Through the Wildwood (The Legend of Vanx Malic)
M. R. Mathias
4.3 Stars (86 Reviews)
Genre: Mythology & Folk Tales | Fantasy

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A half-zythian bard named Vanx is in chains for bedding the Duchess of Highlake.The Duke wants him dead, but his wife secretly sent their daughter to buy his freedom from the slave markets.This is bad news, for bad things can happen to an ill guarded caravan in the mountains.When the duke’s mercenaries attack to kill the adulterous prisoner all hell breaks loose. Now, the only way Vanx and the Princess of Highlake can escape the duke and his men is if they can somehow make it through the Wildwood, a place that no one has ever returned from before…..

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Where The Sun Don’t Shine
Alex Metcalf
4 Stars (43 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

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A missing girl. A lost father. Murder. Mayhem. Tattoos. Just another day in Venice Beach.

Where The Sun Don’t Shine is the story of Marley, a once successful Hollywood player who’s tumbled so far down the ladder of success that he’s got almost nothing left. Just a one room apartment on Venice Beach and a fragile relationship with his 16 year old daughter.

Marley’s at the end of his rope when he gets a phone call from an old producing partner who wants to throw Marley some work. Which sounds great until Marley realizes that the “work” is tracking down a missing actress. An actress who may or may not be dead. Every instinct Marley has tells him to walk away. But the lure of easy money is the single thing that everyone in Hollywood has in common.

Marley finds himself thrust into the back alleys of the film industry. Into a nexus of porn, kidnapping, studio politics and the dream-dead denizens of modern Hollywood. Struggling to do the right thing, and to be a father to his daughter, Marley soon finds that everything is at stake: His future, his daughter, even his life…

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(also available from Amazon. DE  FR  IT  ES )

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Rest Upon the Wind
Genia Stemper
4.6 Stars (22 Reviews)
Genre: Historical Fiction | Literary Fiction | Romance

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What if love never dies? Rest Upon the Wind begins in Tonga in the 1600’s. Two teens, best friends since early childhood, vow to stay together, even after their deaths. A tsunami tears them apart, killing them, and thus begins their journey.

Their love in royal India isn’t realized due to arranged marriages and the caste system. Their love during the civil war is impossible, one of them being a Confederate soldier and the other a slave. But their spirits learn and grow along the way. Finally, in present day California, they are able to fulfill their destiny as soul mates.

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(also available from Amazon. IT )

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Against The Odds (Anna Dawson #1)
Mara Jacobs
4.8 Stars (18 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense | Romance

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My name is Anna Dawson, and I’m a professional poker player. And I’m good. Very good.

But, I also have a little bit of a problem with placing bets on a sporting events. Not so good.

Sometimes my little problem becomes a whole lot of trouble and I need to resort to some, shall we say, less than stellar actions to get out of debt. So, I become my alter ego, JoJo, and fix college basketball games. Hey, a victimless crime, no one’s the wiser, and it’s better than the alternative, which is a drive into the desert with my loan shark and a shovel in the trunk. Although, it has to be said, my loan shark is pretty good looking.

I love Vegas, and I love the life I’ve built, but when one of my friends is murdered, and another one shot at, I know I need to take a serious look at myself. And I need to call in the big guns.Even if that means teaming up with detective Jack Schiller, a man who’s dealing with his own problems. But dang, he sure is sexy.

I’m just trying to juggle protecting my friends, helping Jack while not letting him get too close, and finding a murderer. And, oh yeah, no one can learn about JoJo.

Because if they do, there’s no way I’ll be able to bluff my way out of this one.

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(also available from Amazon. DE  FR  IT  ES )

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The Black Dog and The American Woman
J. D. Reid
4.4 Stars (10 Reviews)
Genre: Literary Fiction | Short Stories

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The Black Dog and the American Woman is one of those stories that transport the reader somewhere new and rarely experienced. The scene is set on an eco-Tour somewhere on the upper reaches of the Cuyabeno River deep in the Amazon rainforest of central Ecuador.A group of tourists has arrived and is just settling into camp as dark clouds gather and a ferocious black dog runs through the tangle of the jungle in hot pursuit of its prey.On one level, it is an interesting and often thrilling tale told of an eco-Tour gone bad; but it is much more than that.As the fine balance of life and death is revealed in the canopy above them, and in their fearful flight up the river, the reader is immersed in the reality of the jungle as few stories of this type have done before.As stated in his remarks, the author has direct experience in this regard; there is a suggestion some aspects of this story might even be true, and it certainly reads like it. The writing is reminiscent of Somerset Maugham’s short stories of the Far East as well as Joseph Conrad’s of the Malay Peninsula. It is a morality tale in which good and bad, like life and death, are in near equal balance.

What makes this tale particularly compelling is the intriguing interplay between the characters.Romulo, the Naturalist and guide, holds the philosophical center of the story and there is something fragile but also bold and brave about the American Woman.For Romulo, the American Woman is a conundrum.He takes her under his wing and protects her. He tries to understand her as he takes every opportunity to explain to her his perception of what the jungle, as well as the human experience in general, is all about– namely, a world in which life is delicately balanced with death in the same way that the human experience is balanced between good and bad.She listens and learns but sometimes the lessons are difficult; and, sometimes, as the reader will discover, are life changing.

A chilling and surprising ending makes The Black Dog and the American Woman a great story that will stay with you.You will want to read it twice. For the price, you can’t go wrong.

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The Moon in the Morning: A Fairytale with a New Twist
Rebecca Nebesar
4.7 Stars (7 Reviews)
Genre: Children’s eBooks

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Set in the present, this richly illustrated allegorical novel is a coming of age tale in the digital age. Tapping into the power of creativity and the imagination the heroine, a 12-year-old girl named Jean, learns important lessons after her grandmother dies.

Growing up in this fast-paced era of the Internet and technology has particular challenges, especially for girls. Women have come so far, yet where are they? Is there any time to look back? Have we thrown out the baby with the bathwater? In the novel, the heroine Jean unwittingly stumbles into the alluring web of tradition while trying to hang on to the last threads of childhood and cope with her feelings after the unexpected death of her beloved grandmother. With guidance from mythological and imaginary female characters, with support from her parents, her teacher, her aunt and uncle, and from books and the Internet Jean gradually pieces together her understanding of what is means to be female. She learns skills in the fiber arts, gains confidence and discovers key stories from the past told from a new point of view. Alone in her room, she encounters Dust Bunnies representing the Three Fates, a few special goddesses in animal form, plus folk, fairytale and biblical heroines, including Grandmother Spider, Isis, Brigit, Athena, Rachel and Psyche. She liberates Arachne, the mortal condemned by Athena to the life of a spider, hidden and feared.

Over time Jean sees that she is part of the evolving family of women on earth stretching back centuries through many cultural traditions. Jean learns about caring, questioning, expressing her deepest concerns, listening to others and appreciating the wonders and mysteries of nature and of language. She finds inner beauty and strength, and earns respect. By the end of the story, Jean has gained in wisdom and maturity, feels good about herself and hopeful for her future.

27 Illustrations with vivid colors and textural elements illuminate the story throughout the book.

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