In the murky wake of the financial crisis a string of establishments pop up across Europe catering to a hedonistic underground, its clientele beholden to a strange, hallucinatory meat. Stoked by the fleshy and charismatic Hugo and fuelled by voracious consumption of ecstasy, the craze spreads from the heart of Europe all the way to the Mediterranean, where in Athens the financial elite begin to turn on each other. Murder, barbecue and apocalyptic raving ensues, culminating in the most savage party Mykonos has ever seen. Follow the story to its destructive end, where consumption eats itself alive.

by Ultan Banan
4.9 Stars (5 Reviews)
Genre: Humor & Satire

With an intercontinental trade in hallucinogenic meat and a ton of pharmaceuticals, follow Chef and friends into the most apocalyptic party the world has ever seen… How much ecstasy do you need to kickstart the apocalypse?


Click here to get this book for $2.99

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Notes from a Cannibalist
by Ultan Banan
3.2 Stars (3 Reviews)
Genre: Literature & Fiction

1847. Assuming the identity of a dead Jesuit priest, a survivor of the famine in Ireland travels to South America, where he is inducted into the ways of the ayahuasca and ritualism. His soul victim to the crucible of the New World, what is tempered in the chaos will be outside his control.


Notes from a Cannibalist is the sequel to Ultan Banan’s debut novel, Meat.

Click here to get this book for $4.99

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