I can not tell you how happy I was to see all the cute pictures of your fur babies!!! I though the C-Pup joke was just a little giggle that I was crazy to think was so funny. Apparently I am not the only one being kept up at night with critters that snore way louder than should be physically possible.  I love getting pictures of your fur babies. Hubby and I spend the whole time smiling and going AWWWWW. So…. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!

Not by Sight (Stone River Book 2)
by Kay Lyons Stockham
4.5 Stars (3,625 Reviews)
Genre: Small Town & Rural | Romance | Women’s Fiction

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“Not By Sight gripped me from the first page. It was well written, heartwarming, and evocative-everything I’ve come to expect from novel by Kay Lyons.” ~New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray

Emma Wyatt agrees to tutor a recently blinded, embittered soldier because of the paycheck his brother offers. Blind herself, Emma dreams of independence and freedom away from her overprotective family. But tutoring Ian in all things “blind” isn’t easy, especially when the biggest challenge is not falling for the wounded soldier-turned-student who could hinder her dreams of true independence.

Ian MacGregor holds his battle with claustrophobia close to his chest, unsuccessfully trying to cope on his own. Ian knows duty, honor, serving his country. So why is he being punished with this very personalized hell?

As Ian struggles to strong-arm his phobia, their growing feelings for one another are overshadowed by the danger lurking around them. Ian pushes Emma away, believing she would be better off with someone else, someone sighted–someone able to protect her from the person determined to keep them apart…

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The Shadow Isle: An Epic Fantasy Adventure (Fate of the Furycks Book 1)
by A.E. Rayne
4.7 Stars (491 Reviews)
Genre: Fantasy

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Jael Furyck is a warrior queen, fighting to save her family since she was ten years old, but what happens when she is taken prisoner and cannot fight at all?

Reunited with her husband after an epic battle in Alekka, Jael wants nothing more than to return to her island kingdom and start again. She first heads to Andala to pick up her children, only to have her plans upended by a dream revealing a horrifying future: her brothers dead, her daughter, even herself – all of the Furycks gone.

She seeks urgent advice from her grandmother – a better dreamer than she will ever be – soon discovering that she has mysteriously disappeared in Tuura.

And as her dreams quickly become a nightmare threatening her entire family, Jael does what she knows best – she fights. Until she is caught in the web of danger and intrigue herself, torn away from everything she knows, from everyone she loves…
Fate of the Furycks is the third series set in the immersive world of The Furyck Saga. Perfect for fans of action-packed epic fantasy, it weaves mysterious threads around epic battles, warring kingdoms, magical dreamers and dangerous enemies intent on revenge.

Author’s note: this series can be enjoyed independently, though for greater context, I always recommend starting at the beginning with either Winter’s Fury or its prequel novella, Kings of Fate.

Author’s Note: this series contains multiple POVs, adult themes, and mature content

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The Rescued Heart (Lipstick & Danger Book 2)
by Tierney James
4.5 Stars (73 Reviews)
Genre: Action & Adventure

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Fawn Turnbough returns home in hopes of putting her life back together. Instead, she finds Garrett Horton, the devil in blue jeans who drove her away ten years earlier, waiting to pick up where they left off.

Her father, however, is determined to keep them apart. He intends to hide the secret that forced her to run away from Horton in the first place. He is convinced Garrett only wants Fawn’s inheritance and his lead mines.

A tornado on the ground is headed toward the elementary school. Fawn digs deep to protect those in her care only to put another life in jeopardy. The mine rescue team, shocked at the devastation, races against time to save the children buried in the rubble.

With shattered lives and buried secrets exposed, Garrett discovers sometimes to rescue your dreams you sacrifice a hatred that could threaten everything. He is determined that this time nothing will stop him from taking what he wants most, but will he be able to break the barrier of a heart as hard as the lead he brings up from the mines of the Ozark Mountains?

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Crime Beat Girl (Debbie Bradley Crime Mysteries Book 1)
by Geri Dreiling
4.4 Stars (159 Reviews)
Genre: Thrillers | Mystery

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A girl is dead. A boy is locked up. Can Debbie Bradley discover the truth before more lives are lost… maybe even her own?

A series of deadly shootings. An outbreak of stolen cars. When journalist Debbie Bradley returns home to St. Louis, the summer crime wave has started. And she’s in the center: A witness, a reporter, a target.

Debbie’s reasons for leaving behind her promising career in Washington D.C. were complicated. Her mother, a prominent lawyer, was diagnosed with cancer. Her engagement was cooling. When she got offered a job in St. Louis that she hadn’t been looking for, Debbie recognized an opportunity. Or an escape.

But she didn’t expect to come home and see a girl die. Debbie never planned to investigate a boy behind bars. And she didn’t anticipate colliding with hostile cops and wary politicians.

As her work gains attention, Debbie gathers enemies. Will her assignment to cover the St. Louis crime beat be her last?

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Hope: He wanted to give her freedom. She wanted her daughter back
by Julian Papadia
4.1 Stars (55 Reviews)
Genre: Politics & Social Sciences | Religious & Inspirational Fiction | Foreign Languages | Thrillers

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What is the difference between justice and fairness?

What are the limits you are willing to overcome for the one you love?

When DCI Paul Peterson meets Hope for the first time, he confronts a struggling teenager with her hands and shirt full of blood. It seemed to be the easiest of cases to close seeing as she has confessed to her double murder.
So why does Paul feel his mission must be to prove her innocence rather than close the case? What are the secrets Hope is hiding?

When Helen, Olivia’s mother and celebrated neurosurgeon, chooses her dedication to work instead of the long-awaited vacation trip to Paris with her husband and daughter, she doesn’t know she is making one of those decisions able to change her life forever.
How far can a mother go to keep her hope alive?

Sometimes the culprit is the real victim.

Hope is a gripping and mysterious thriller with twists you won’t see coming.

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A to Z The Total Noob’s Guide to Growing Orchids for Total Beginners
by Lisa Bond
3.7 Stars (43 Reviews)
Genre: Crafts, Hobbies & Home

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You Can Grow Your Own Orchids, Yes You Can!

You’re probably already thinking to yourself If I have to read a book to grow a flower in a pot, why should I bother?! Yeah, I know -but to be honest, there are a lot of excellent things that come with being able to master at least growing one successful pot of orchids. For one thing, they’re gorgeous! Who wouldn’t want to say, “Yeah, I grew those… “?

Damn right you would! Being a badass indoor gardener is one thing, but tackling tropical plants like orchids is a feat unto itself. It’s an artform. Think about it for a second. Most of us do not live in the climate conducive to these beauties just thriving on their own in the wild. Anyone who already actively grows and nurtures any species of orchid knows that you’ve got to climate control that environment like you wouldn’t believe. It’s not just about that, but you also must watch other factors too. It’s an extremely rewarding yet very challenging experience.

In addition, there are so many different species of orchid out there that you can safely assume that each plant you grow is going to be unique to itself. You can get some that you know will definitely be the same color, size or general shape, but we all know that there are so many things unique to each plant. How many flower spikes you end up with after the first blooms dissipate, how many leaves you have, how tall it grows and so many other things are all going to be different.

The cool thing is that with the right know-how, you can nurture one potted orchid for years before you have to kiss it goodbye. In fact, you might keep them growing for almost a decade without even realizing it if you can take care them properly. It will also bolster your confidence when it comes to indoor gardening. You might have never planted anything outside, but you can throw these puppies in a pot and watch them go for forever if you follow a few key pointers and stay on top of their care. You just need to lovingly embrace the hobby and be patient with the process.

Heck, you could have a whole atrium or sunroom full of tropical flowers by the time you’re finished fooling around with different kinds -and there are a lot of them! Just imagine the possibilities… In this book, you’re going to learn all about how to start off on the right foot with one of the cantankerous ones: orchids. So get out your gloves, grab a bag of potting mix, start jotting down supplies on a notepad, and get growing!

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