At Costco today I was so arrogant. I walked in the door and saw the cutest puffy jackets. I wanted one so bad, but I said NO! I will show self control. I was feeling pretty darn proud of myself. I was walking around like I was an advanced human and people should be more like me. So… to reward myself with such an impressive amount of self control I bought cookies. Um… now my self control is gone. Now I am just like all the other mortals in the store. I guess I might as well pick up some ice cream while I am at it.

The Pirate Raiders
by C.G. Mosley
4.5 Stars (21 Reviews)
Genre: Action & Adventure | Men’s Adventure

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The recently captured pirate captain William “Redd” Reeves has been given a second chance. The governor of Port Royal Jamaica has given him the “task” of apprehending the most fearsome pirate of the seven seas: Captain Winston Trimble.

Captain Trimble has recently gained possession of the legendary signet ring of King Solomon. The ring gives it’s bearer power to control demons and speak to animals. Trimble has decided to use the ring to control the tentacled monstrosity known as the kraken so that he may truly rule the seas!

Captain Redd must battle cannibalistic monsters, the Royal Navy, and of course the kraken too if he is going to defeat Captain Trimble.

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The Summer of 1974 (My Israeli Books)
by Yael Politis
4.4 Stars (254 Reviews)

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From the author of The Lonely Tree and the five books of the Olivia Series.

Two strangers from opposite sides of the globe, both at a crossroads in their lives, meet in Rome. They could hardly be more different, so why do they feel such an immediate connection?

Following the losses and general trauma of the Yom Kippur War, Gavrielle, an officer in the Intelligence Branch of the IDF, is also dealing with a personal crisis. Born an orphan, she recently learned of a man in Florida who may be able to lead her to the father she has never known – and who is unaware of her existence. Should she get on a plane for America? Instead, she boards one for Rome – for a vacation and time to think.

There, she signs up for an Italian language class, where she meets Charlie Freeman (a descendant of Olivia Killion and Mourning Free). Charlie, a young African-American, has just graduated from the University of Michigan and plans to go on to grad school and a career in architecture. But he first has a personal obstacle to be overcome. What better place for a student of art and architecture to take time for reflection than the open-air museum called Rome?

These two strangers – who seem to have absolutely nothing in common – discover they share a basic reality that other people will never understand. Their unexpected friendship takes them together from Rome to Sinai, Jerusalem, and Michigan.

Though set in a specific historical/political context, this book is about personal relationships – love, friendship, and family.

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Back in My Day
by Maggie Aldrich
3.9 Stars (28 Reviews)
Genre: Humor & Entertainment | Women’s Fiction | Science Fiction

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Stressed out supermom and overachieving daughter clash in this witty ’80s flashback. Were things really better “back in the day?”

From the outside looking in, Beth Peters has it all – a high-powered job, a strong marriage, and two gifted and obedient children. Social media says so, therefore it must be true. Right?!?

In reality, Beth’s job is all-consuming, the kids try her last nerve, and counseling with the world’s most annoying hippie therapist has done nothing for her struggling marriage. A call from the principal and hubby’s meetup with an old flame finally bring Beth to the end of her rope. Escape is tempting. Drastic changes are certain. But waking up in 1987 is not quite what she had in mind.

Following her on this dream-like journey to the past is daughter Maddie, just thirteen, but with problems of her own. Overstressed by life and over-stimulated by social media, Beth and Maddie are horrified to be back in the days of mix tapes, not-so-smart phones, and slow and intimate family dinners around the table. Can they work together long enough to overcome their issues, get back to the present, and save their family? Or will struggles they refuse to acknowledge keep them in the land of big hair forever?

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Tangled Trail: A Mary O’Reilly World Paranormal Mystery
by Donnie Light
4.4 Stars (289 Reviews)
Genre: Horror

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At the end of a secluded gravel lane called Tangled Trail, sit two large, Victorian-style houses. What were once vibrant and colorful homes, now sit in a state of slow decay.
Young Hadlee Monroe has just received her high-school diploma. Hadlee suffers from anxiety issues, and has lived on Tangled Trail for most of her life. Her elderly neighbor, Miss Anna DuVall, tells Hadlee the stories of a lifetime spent on Tangled Trail, recounting the happier times and hinting that not everything may be as it appears.
Hadlee begins to experience spine-chilling events that she cannot explain. She doesn’t believe in ghosts, but nothing else can account for the strange occurrences that now taunt her. As life begins to spiral toward chaos, Hadlee must determine if the mysterious incidents are simply her imagination, or if something threatening lurks at the end of Tangled Trail.
After a series of eerie events, Hadlee connects with Mary O’Reilly, who discovers that there are a lot of secrets among those living… and those long dead… who reside on Tangled Trail.

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And the Blood Ran Black
by Nathan E Harvey
4.1 Stars (54 Reviews)
Genre: Science Fiction | Horror

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Two brothers are thrust into a reality that makes them yearn for their years of deployment overseas. There were no news tickers or conspiracy theories to soften the sudden reality; the two soldiers witnessed the beginning of the end firsthand. Where would you go? Who would you save? This is the account of a small group of strangers who become family in order to somehow carry on against impossible odds.

Finally, there’s a zombie book that doesn’t have to rely on shock value and gore to elicit an emotional response. Between bouts of laughter and of tears, “And the Blood Ran Black” will have you forgetting to breathe while it unapologetically grabs you by the eyeballs.

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Letters from Cats: Hilarious & Heartfelt Notes
by Stacey Ritz
4.5 Stars (74 Reviews)
Genre: Crafts, Hobbies & Home

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Do you ever wonder what your cat is thinking? In Letters from Cats: Hilarious & Heartfelt Notes, Advocates 4 Animals co-founder, Stacey Ritz, reveals the truth behind your cats deepest thoughts. Whether your cat has a habit of shredding the toilet paper or sitting in the kitchen sink, you’ll find merriment and insight while reading Letters from Cats. Heartwarming notes include those from foster cats, rescued cats and more. If you have ever shared your home with a feline, the letters will resonate; at times bringing both laughter and tears.

Color photographs are included throughout the Kindle edition of the book/Photographs are of rescued cats.

DEAR DIARY: I bit my human’s big toe when he was sleeping. It was just a nibble, really. I didn’t mean any harm; I was just curious. Purrs, Marsha

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Ronin of the Dead: Book One: A Post-Apocalyptic Zombie Action Series
by Keith McIntosh
4.5 Stars (30 Reviews)
Genre: Men’s Adventure | Action & Adventure

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Kenshiro Watanabe, a young martial-arts prodigy, survived the outbreak of the undead plague that killed billions, but it cost him everything. Now he wanders the American wastelands, haunted by the ones he left behind, looking for a good death. Until he finds it, Kenshiro plans to destroy every zombie in his path.

His relentless pursuit of vengeance leads him to a forgotten Colorado town. There, he finds something that will change him forever.

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