“A Season of Secrets” by Anneke Campbell, is a delightful holiday treat that forgoes the expected holiday cheese-ball recipe for something more original. Enjoy!
A Season of Secrets
Anneke Campbell
(21 Reviews)
Genre: Contemporary Fiction | Literary Fiction
It’s mere weeks before Christmas, 2011 when a pregnant teenage virgin named Mary waddles inauspiciously into the little town of Bellingham, Indiana. Juggling a town full of characters, each with his or her own agenda, not a single one selfless or blameless, Campbell makes Bellingham come alive as each is changed by the apparent miracle: Doctor Bob goes fervently in search of a viable medical explanation that sends him waxing poetic about Greek mythology; a precocious young waitress befriends Mary and sets up a support group on Facebook; the local newspaper prints one journalist’s eloquent op-ed about the importance of collective social responsibility.
If you want a good cry and a great story about the true meaning of Christmas, we recommend A Christmas Carol. This author’s going for something much more sophisticated and contemporary—yet deliciously irresistible. Not to mention as funny as Sketchy Santas. This is a book about human foibles at Christmas; some characters are doing their best, some are rapscallions, nobody’s a saint, and everybody’s fun to watch.
Suitable for all faiths, including true believers of any sort, but also the apostate, the pagan, the devoutly heathen, those who make a religion of hating Christmas, and those who start Christmas shopping in July.
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