I’m feeling pretty proud of myself. I once again successfully drove my family in our spiffy new (new to us) motor-home up to Collins Lake. I got us all here in one piece, despite the efforts of crazy drivers and road construction. I honestly don’t know which is worse, the drivers who cut you off constantly, or the road construction that has you driving in lanes that barely fit a small car let alone an RV. In my younger and much braver days I used to drive a big UPS truck, so I know to always give big trucks on the highway lots of space and to NEVER cut in front of them. I honestly think every driver should be required to drive something big, so they to learn a little respect. After a good three hours of driving I was more than ready to start my vacation at the lake. It was so warm last night we were still floating in the water at 7:30pm. I would have floated there all night except I didn’t want to be eaten by lake monsters. Yes.. I have a fear of those as well. Thankfully not as bad as sharks or clowns. I haven’t seen our neighborhood clown in a long time. He must have moved. I can’t tell you how relieved I am about this. I will still be on high alert though. Just in case.

Death Hampton (The Detective Jericho series Book 1)
by Walter Marks
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Genre: Mystery

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Burnt out after years of working violent cases in East Harlem, Detective Neil Jericho transfers to peaceful East Hampton. But after the mysterious disappearance of a wealthy real estate developer, Jericho is caught in a web of intrigue and lies centering around Susannah Cascadden, the missing man’s beautiful wife.

Is Susannah a calculating black widow or an innocent victim? Jericho better find out fast or the Hamptons just might be the death of him.

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A Tale of Two Demon Slayers (Biker Witches Mystery Book 3)
by Angie Fox
4.6 Stars (559 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery

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A New York Times bestselling, breakout series

Last month, I was a single preschool teacher whose greatest thrill consisted of color-coding my lesson plans. That was before I learned I was a slayer. Now, it’s up to me to face curse-hurling imps, vengeful demons, and any other supernatural uglies that crop up. And to top it off, a hunk of a shape-shifting griffin has invited me to Greece to meet his family.

But it’s not all sun, sand, and ouzo. Someone has created a dark-magic version of me with my powers and my knowledge — and it wants to kill me and everyone I know.

Of course, this evil twin doesn’t have Grandma’s gang of biker witches, a talking Jack Russell terrier, or an eccentric necromancer on its side. In the ultimate showdown for survival, may the best demon slayer win.

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Plain Obsession: An Amish Romantic Suspense Novel (Hunters Ridge Book 1)
by Alison Stone
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Genre: Romance | Religion & Spirituality

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Staying safe in Amish country shouldn’t be this hard.

When a close friend is murdered in her NYC apartment, Violet Jackson fears the worst — her childhood stalker has returned. Plagued by panic attacks, she returns to her mother’s country estate in Hunters Ridge, a quiet Amish community where she spent her teens.

Bad boy Theo Cooper got the discipline he needed in the army and a dose of reality when his dad got sick. Now, back in Hunters Ridge, he’s running his family’s business and stepping up to be the father his young son needs.

When Violet shows up, Theo can’t believe his good luck. He regretted how their budding romance in high school had imploded the night of senior prom. But Violet has no interest in romance, eager to get over her anxiety and return to her life in NYC.

When Violet becomes the target of an apparent stalker, Theo’s protective instincts kick in. He’s determined to defend the woman he’s falling for, even if it means risking the life he’s built — and his carefully guarded heart.

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The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman
by Robin Gregory
4.4 Stars (147 Reviews)
Genre: Teen & Young Adult | Religion & Spirituality | Metaphysical

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Moojie Littleman is not just another disabled orphan, he is not just a kid who falls into a series of magical, mystical adventures involving goats, bees, and watermelons. He is, above all, the most unlikely hero ever known. Through friendship with alien outcasts, Moojie discovers his healing powers and a surprising destiny… if only he can survive one, last terrifying trial.

Welcome to Moojie’s mythical world of mayhem and merriment, where miracles are standard fare, mistaken identity is rampant, and the desire to belong can be dangerous.

From screenwriter and award-winning novelist, Robin Gregory, comes a masterful debut about family and first love–brimming with compassion, lyricism, and originality. Winner of 24 awards.

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At Drake’s Command (The Drake Circumnavigation Book 1)
by David Wesley Hill
4.2 Stars (123 Reviews)
Genre: Sea Adventures | Historical Fiction

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It was as fine a day to be whipped as any he’d ever seen but the good weather didn’t make Peregrine James any happier with the situation he was in. Unfairly convicted of a crime he had not committed, the young cook was strung from the whipping post on the Plymouth quayside when he caught the eye of the charismatic sea captain Francis Drake, who agreed to accept Perry among his crew despite the stripes of a thief on his back.

Soon England was receding in their wake and Perry was serving an unsavory collection of sea dogs as the small fleet of fragile wood ships sailed across the deep brine. Their destination was secret, known to Drake alone. Few sailors believed the public avowal that the expedition was headed for Alexandria to trade in currants. Some men suspected Drake planned a raid across Panama to attack the Spanish in the Pacific. Others were sure the real plan was to round the Cape of Storms to break the Portuguese monopoly of the spice trade. The only thing Perry knew for certain was that they were bound for danger and that he must live by his wits if he were to survive serving at Drake’s command.

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The Indistinguishable Con: A Humorous Crime Adventure
by N. Davis Gibby
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Genre: Crime Fiction | Literary Fiction | Humor

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When one pathetic man’s greatest thrill in life was policing his school’s halls, something was bound to change.

Strait-laced Richard Simon is forced to abandon his mediocre life as a high school principal when he and his sarcastic brother, Chris, unintentionally reveal to the world their father, Walter, is not only a brilliant artist, but a cunning con-artist too. Now all three men are on the run from the FBI. This amusing story unfolds when the two estranged brothers decide to reunite for a day to help their sick father get his affairs in order. Overwhelmed by their father’s cluttered home and mountain of art supplies, they mistakenly donate a painting worth millions to Goodwill.

After learning of his sons’ foolish gaffe, Walter reveals he used to run an elaborate con while working at a prestigious auction house. The talented artist would regularly switch out genuine paintings with indistinguishable replicas, moments before the art was to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Now Walter wants his boys to help him pull one last job, robbing the ruthless pharmaceutical mogul, Theodore Moore. Walter convinces his sons that this billionaire tycoon is corrupt and dangerous and deserves to be swindled. The three family members team up in hopes of making Moore pay for his crimes in a thrilling adventure filled with suspense and clever twists.

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