From the bestselling, multiple award-winning, humorous Deadwood Mystery series comes a new herd of tales set in the same Deadwood stomping grounds, only back in the days when the Old West town was young.
Life at the Coffin Joint (Deadwood Undertaker Series Book 1)
by Ann Charles, Sam Lucky
(328 Reviews)
Genre: Horror
Deadwood (late 1876)… A rowdy and reckless undertaker’s delight. What better place for a killer to blend in? Enter undertaker Clementine Johanssen, tall and deadly with a hot temper and short fuse, hired to clean up Deadwood’s dead… and the “other” problem. She’s hell-bent on poking, sticking, or stabbing anyone that steps out of line. But when a couple Santa Fe sidewinders ride into town searching for their missing uncle, they land neck deep in lethal gunplay, nasty cutthroats, and endless stinkin’ snow. Their search leads them to throw in with Clementine to hunt for a common enemy. What they find chills them all to the bone and sends them on an adventure they’ll never forget.
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